John Rees: dgtlpapercuts getting his race number
John Rees: Activity at the donut store
John Rees: Pre race carbo loading
John Rees: Discussing pre race strategy
John Rees: DSCF0022
John Rees: Chris is better at leaning than I am
John Rees: dougw
John Rees: dgtlpapercuts looking for the next photo
John Rees: templarbond
John Rees: dgtlpapercuts
John Rees: The start
John Rees: Reminder to Red Sox fans, this isn't Boston and they didn't win the world series :-)
John Rees: 5,000 + passing by the bell tower
John Rees: Bigfoot is alive and running in the KKC
John Rees: Helmet
John Rees: Chasing the assassins of Huo Yuanjia
John Rees: Donut Determination
John Rees: Shared sentiment
John Rees: Bet he was glad it wasn't 20 degrees
John Rees: Jumper
John Rees: Elvis
John Rees: Kryptonite ... must... be near by
John Rees: DSCF0393