jrcohen: Clown Fish (Amphiprion ocellaris) and Pacific Regal Blue Tang (Paracanthurus hepatus) and more
jrcohen: The Queen Mary
jrcohen: Aboard the The Queen Mary
jrcohen: Aboard the The Queen Mary
jrcohen: Aboard the The Queen Mary
jrcohen: Spotting a cruise ship
jrcohen: Aboard the The Queen Mary
jrcohen: Aboard the The Queen Mary
jrcohen: Me - Aboard the The Queen Mary
jrcohen: Me - Aboard the The Queen Mary
jrcohen: Long Beach, CA
jrcohen: Aboard the The Queen Mary
jrcohen: Sunning ourselves
jrcohen: Health Hazard!
jrcohen: Life boat
jrcohen: Life boat
jrcohen: Life boat
jrcohen: life boat row
jrcohen: Aboard the The Queen Mary
jrcohen: Full Steam Ahead!!!
jrcohen: Aboard the The Queen Mary
jrcohen: Aboard the The Queen Mary
jrcohen: Aboard the The Queen Mary
jrcohen: Aboard the The Queen Mary
jrcohen: Aboard the The Queen Mary
jrcohen: I wonder what's in there?
jrcohen: Radio Mary
jrcohen: Radio Mary
jrcohen: Jet Blue on the Queen Mary!!
jrcohen: A very merry un-birthday to me, to you!!!