jrcohen: Havana: wall placard
jrcohen: havanna
jrcohen: Havana street festival
jrcohen: Havana
jrcohen: Havana
jrcohen: Cuidado
jrcohen: Un Pueblo
jrcohen: A sign at a primary school in Cuba
jrcohen: Classroom B
jrcohen: Hydrology Department white board
jrcohen: The Innocent Five & Other Political Heroes
jrcohen: Bus Station
jrcohen: 10th Anniversary of the Education Program for Tour Guides
jrcohen: 150th year Anniversary of Jóse Martí, 50th Anniversary of the Revolution
jrcohen: Hasta la Victoria Siempre
jrcohen: On the side of the Disco Bus
jrcohen: Hasta La Victoria Siempre
jrcohen: The entracne to the city of Santiago de Cuba
jrcohen: Cape Of Good Hope
jrcohen: Cape of Good Hope
jrcohen: Coca-Cola Car
jrcohen: Coca-Cola Car
jrcohen: Coca-Cola Car
jrcohen: Do not touch the turtles
jrcohen: Do not feed Nene
jrcohen: Mac nut mascot
jrcohen: Mauna Loa giant blow-up can
jrcohen: Dragon
jrcohen: Health Hazard!
jrcohen: The Village!! - Where is #6?