jramos_666: brakeless :P
jramos_666: ramos_lookdown_street
jramos_666: ramos_wallTAp_parke_street
jramos_666: Stair Gap Ermesinde
jramos_666: water_resistance
jramos_666: ramos_lookdown_hardtrails
jramos_666: walltap_viana_predios
jramos_666: Tunel A3 santo tirso
jramos_666: Wallride tunel A3
jramos_666: RockTap
jramos_666: MINIRAMP OVAR
jramos_666: Our BikePark during the construction
jramos_666: that´s me doing tailwhip to the foam box
jramos_666: Ramos Lookback
jramos_666: Jony flying
jramos_666: Reguenga Bmx Session
jramos_666: Reguenga wall
jramos_666: 3amigos
jramos_666: Ramos aereo matosas
jramos_666: wall tap braga
jramos_666: RamosMatosinhos
jramos_666: hip air
jramos_666: DSC03400
jramos_666: DSC03402
jramos_666: lamborghini truck & yellow bike
jramos_666: lamborghini truck
jramos_666: ilegal handlebar