JR Studio: Gatekeeper
JR Studio: Green Hairstreak
JR Studio: Red Admiral
JR Studio: Peacock
JR Studio: Small Copper
JR Studio: Common blue male
JR Studio: Meadow Brown Butterfly
JR Studio: Brimstone
JR Studio: Orange-tip
JR Studio: Green-veined White
JR Studio: Speckled Wood
JR Studio: Small Tortoiseshell
JR Studio: Comma
JR Studio: Ringlet Butterflies
JR Studio: Ringlet Butterfly
JR Studio: Large Skipper on Common Bird's Foot Trefoil
JR Studio: Small Heath
JR Studio: Speckled Wood
JR Studio: Large Skipper
JR Studio: Meadow Brown
JR Studio: Small White butterfly
JR Studio: Ringlet butterfly
JR Studio: Oh, so you came as Darth Maul too then?
JR Studio: Pink Rose - where did it get that name from???
JR Studio: While you were sleeping...
JR Studio: Going green
JR Studio: Not everything is black and white
JR Studio: The postman always knocks twice