jim mcmellen: ACowPie 2022
jim mcmellen: The Meeting I Missed
jim mcmellen: Farmer John and his Granddaughter with the Band
jim mcmellen: The PEACE POLE
jim mcmellen: Smiling at the music
jim mcmellen: Our Angel - The Blessing
jim mcmellen: Our Angel - Doris Williams
jim mcmellen: Angel - The Blessing of the Pie
jim mcmellen: A Cow Pie Smooch
jim mcmellen: They made me smile all week end
jim mcmellen: The Security Girls
jim mcmellen: My friend Andy - The festival fixer
jim mcmellen: Peace always Peace
jim mcmellen: Local Spin Again
jim mcmellen: Rusty Himself
jim mcmellen: Festival fun and games
jim mcmellen: On Location - Smurf Village
jim mcmellen: Painting by B. Hammond - Oiil on Canvis
jim mcmellen: Big foot Ross Came from Mississippi
jim mcmellen: Rusty dog and friends
jim mcmellen: Danielle - Festival Volunteer Coordinator - Friend
jim mcmellen: Local Spins
jim mcmellen: Return to the summer of love
jim mcmellen: Violin with my Yoga
jim mcmellen: That 900 lb. Banjo
jim mcmellen: My Friend at Abstact Glass
jim mcmellen: Jerrad
jim mcmellen: Far Out
jim mcmellen: That girl always smile