jim mcmellen: Image cast...
jim mcmellen: Lily pair
jim mcmellen: Black and white ( Roses )
jim mcmellen: B&W Flower play
jim mcmellen: tonights light
jim mcmellen: black and white Susan...
jim mcmellen: columbine nightmare
jim mcmellen: B&W bells...
jim mcmellen: And what are these...
jim mcmellen: Point of focus...
jim mcmellen: Flower of shadow and light...
jim mcmellen: Tarsain
jim mcmellen: Dark hearts...
jim mcmellen: A summer daydream... ( B&W )
jim mcmellen: Black and white Garden...
jim mcmellen: Viola in the micro-universe
jim mcmellen: Stages...
jim mcmellen: New days play...
jim mcmellen: New moments...
jim mcmellen: The heart in the middle...
jim mcmellen: Change of season...
jim mcmellen: Light & more light...
jim mcmellen: It's all yours
jim mcmellen: The stars for you...
jim mcmellen: the flower
jim mcmellen: Trillium
jim mcmellen: Daffodils in the stone
jim mcmellen: April surprise...
jim mcmellen: In such a mood