jim mcmellen:
USA Surfing... Cocoa Beach, Florida 2018
jim mcmellen:
surfer with a friend
jim mcmellen:
the surf instructor
jim mcmellen:
fun at the beach
jim mcmellen:
Surfs up
jim mcmellen:
almost there
jim mcmellen:
gonna catch a wave
jim mcmellen:
heading to shore
jim mcmellen:
jim mcmellen:
board away
jim mcmellen:
watch out for the wave
jim mcmellen:
coming in and going out
jim mcmellen:
I'm ready
jim mcmellen:
surfin dude
jim mcmellen:
wind surfer
jim mcmellen:
birds in the way
jim mcmellen:
birds all aflutter
jim mcmellen:
never a dull moment
jim mcmellen:
drifting in the waves
jim mcmellen:
play day at the beach
jim mcmellen:
isolation in the sand
jim mcmellen:
can you here me now
jim mcmellen:
trip to the pier
jim mcmellen:
want to do this tomorrow
jim mcmellen:
whats that
jim mcmellen:
surfer girl
jim mcmellen:
trio in the sun
jim mcmellen:
sunrise for the birds
jim mcmellen:
gull strut
jim mcmellen:
a gull