J P Watson Photography: Canadian Goose family in formation
J P Watson Photography: Grey Squirrel looking for his next Snack
J P Watson Photography: Grey Squirrell looking for his breakfast
J P Watson Photography: Swan Walking on water
J P Watson Photography: Swan on the Runways
J P Watson Photography: Grey Squirrell Upside Down
J P Watson Photography: Close up of a robin
J P Watson Photography: Canadian Geese
J P Watson Photography: Peacock Butterfly
J P Watson Photography: Profile Of an Otter
J P Watson Photography: Otter Through the Grass
J P Watson Photography: Otter Smiling for the Camera
J P Watson Photography: Otter looking for his Family
J P Watson Photography: Otter Looking at Me
J P Watson Photography: Otter In the Early Morning Sunshine
J P Watson Photography: Otter Having a shake
J P Watson Photography: Floating Barn Owl
J P Watson Photography: Barn Owl on the look out for Lunch
J P Watson Photography: Barn Owl Lifting a wing
J P Watson Photography: Chilling in the Sunshine
J P Watson Photography: The Beatiful Barn Owl
J P Watson Photography: Barn Owl hunting in the early Morning Mist
J P Watson Photography: Barn Owl close up
J P Watson Photography: Barn Owl gliding by
J P Watson Photography: Barn Owl Looking at the camera