joshua_putnam: Testing finish
joshua_putnam: Leather scale - side view for thickness
joshua_putnam: Copper paint over orange dye on leather scales
joshua_putnam: Dyed vs. Dyed & Glazed
joshua_putnam: Lacing first row of scales
joshua_putnam: Lacing first row of scales
joshua_putnam: Lacing first row of scales
joshua_putnam: Lacing of leather scale armor for steampunked Aquaman mashup
joshua_putnam: Leather scales - first five rows of torso for steampunked Aquaman mashup
joshua_putnam: Leather scales - first five rows of torso for steampunked Aquaman mashup
joshua_putnam: Steampunk Aquaman progress -- shoulder
joshua_putnam: Steampunk Aquaman progress - back
joshua_putnam: Latest progress shots on my leather scale armor -- shoulder articulation
joshua_putnam: Rear view, leather scale armor for steampunked Aquaman
joshua_putnam: Latest progress shots on my leather scale armor
joshua_putnam: Latest progress shots on my leather scale armor
joshua_putnam: WIP: Copper-glazed orange leather scale armor and bracers for medieval steampunk Aquaman mashup
joshua_putnam: Scale bracer - inside view
joshua_putnam: Scale bracer - lacing
joshua_putnam: Not a pine cone ... leather scale bracers
joshua_putnam: Belt for steampunk/medieval Aquaman mashup
joshua_putnam: IMG_0478.JPG
joshua_putnam: IMG_0479.JPG
joshua_putnam: Aquaman's Belt - painted
joshua_putnam: Back of Aquaman's belt
joshua_putnam: At Mythicworlds Dark Carnivale
joshua_putnam: Fabric for Aquaman's legs
joshua_putnam: Fabric for Aquaman's under-shirt
joshua_putnam: 20160319_133604
joshua_putnam: Aquaman Progress