jpstanley: IMG_0899
jpstanley: IMG_0880
jpstanley: Rose leaves
jpstanley: Bee in flight
jpstanley: IMG_0855
jpstanley: Bee
jpstanley: Spring in Utah
jpstanley: Grape hyacinths
jpstanley: Peach blossom, overprocessed
jpstanley: Apple blossom
jpstanley: Little yellow flowers on the sidewalk
jpstanley: Needles
jpstanley: IMG_1403
jpstanley: IMG_5615
jpstanley: IMG_5619
jpstanley: IMG_5632
jpstanley: Somewhere to Bee
jpstanley: IMG_5680
jpstanley: Bee
jpstanley: IMG_5635
jpstanley: IMG_5614
jpstanley: IMG_2097
jpstanley: IMG_2102
jpstanley: IMG_2105