jpotisch: "Do Boys Need To Get Their Crazies Out To Do Well In School?"
jpotisch: Ask the scientist
jpotisch: Carmelo and his entourage
jpotisch: Carmelo and Nina
jpotisch: Nina and Carmelo and his "guns"
jpotisch: "Picking up Carmelo, (and others who weigh more than me)"
jpotisch: Coby prepares to lift a big kid
jpotisch: Big kid marks her weight vs. lever position on the chart
jpotisch: Nina and Lena talk about boys
jpotisch: Sibling scientists
jpotisch: "I'm going to get the Nobel!" "No, I am!"
jpotisch: Nina's project - "Do Boys Need To Get Their Crazies Out To Do Well In School?"
jpotisch: Coby's project - "Picking up Carmelo, (and others who weigh more than me)"
jpotisch: Look at that data distribution!