jpmills: Moon
jpmills: Solar Prominence
jpmills: White Light Solar Image
jpmills: Star Trails from Sherzer2
jpmills: Star Trails from Sherzer
jpmills: From Sherzer at Night
jpmills: Waxing Crescent overexposed to show Earth Shine
jpmills: Scutum Star Cloud
jpmills: Milky Way Near Cygnus
jpmills: Perseus Double Cluster
jpmills: The Pleiades (M45)
jpmills: M31 Andromeda Galaxy
jpmills: Full Moon
jpmills: Iridium Flare 09-04-2009
jpmills: Sunspot_1035
jpmills: Waxing Gibbous Moon
jpmills: IMG_3974
jpmills: IMG_3984
jpmills: IMG_3986
jpmills: Milky Way Near Cygnus2
jpmills: M31 and M33 together
jpmills: Orion
jpmills: Flame and Horsehead Nebulae
jpmills: Rosette Nebula
jpmills: Moon Waxing Crescent
jpmills: AR1339
jpmills: AR1339
jpmills: AR1339
jpmills: Orion with H[II] regions
jpmills: Auriga