John Petranka: Glamour Shot?
John Petranka: Fungus Beetle (Bolitotherus sp.) on a bracket fungus.
John Petranka: Zen Hoverfly
John Petranka: Eyed Click Beetle (Alaus oculatus)
John Petranka: Eyed Click Beetle (Alaus oculatus)
John Petranka: Longhorn Grasshopper Nymph
John Petranka: Bee Working Coral Bells
John Petranka: Broadheaded Sharpshooter (Oncometopia orbona)
John Petranka: Mayfly on a Maple
John Petranka: Bald-faced Wasp (Dolichovespula maculata)
John Petranka: Luna Moth
John Petranka: Luna Moth Forewing Eyespot
John Petranka: Luna Moth on Leaf Backlit
John Petranka: Giant Stag Beetle
John Petranka: Summer Cicada
John Petranka: Leafhopper on Dewy Composite Flower
John Petranka: Mantis Head Shot
John Petranka: Don't Panic
John Petranka: Here's Looking at You
John Petranka: Female Black Horsefly
John Petranka: Treehopper
John Petranka: Legs Akimbo
John Petranka: He Ain't Heavy....
John Petranka: West Virginia White on Showy Orchis, GSMNP, TN
John Petranka: Right on Time
John Petranka: I Want to go Back to My Little Frass Shack...
John Petranka: The Best Defense is ...
John Petranka: Metalic Woodborer
John Petranka: Metallic Woodborer Beetle
John Petranka: Summer Cicada