johnbailey63: Honor Guard
johnbailey63: Honor Guard
johnbailey63: Presidential Seal
johnbailey63: On the South Lawn
johnbailey63: Couple
johnbailey63: Honor Guard
johnbailey63: Honor Guard
johnbailey63: Honor Guard
johnbailey63: Honor Guard
johnbailey63: Honor Guard
johnbailey63: Honor Guard
johnbailey63: Honor Guard
johnbailey63: Honor Guard
johnbailey63: Trumpets
johnbailey63: Trumpets
johnbailey63: Trumpets
johnbailey63: Arrival Ceremony
johnbailey63: President and Queen of England
johnbailey63: President and Queen of England
johnbailey63: President and Queen
johnbailey63: First Lady, Queen, President Bush
johnbailey63: Queen and President Bush
johnbailey63: First Lady, Queen, President Bush
johnbailey63: Queen and President Bush
johnbailey63: First Lady, Duke, Queen, President