jozy: farewell presentations!!
jozy: in and out
jozy: john you are a ghost..
jozy: It's time to go to tesco!!
jozy: cookie girl
jozy: paris and my broken guitar
jozy: Maria's work
jozy: clare in the exhibition
jozy: a artist's studio
jozy: irene. katya, and madula
jozy: broken guitar and piano.
jozy: cold and windy.
jozy: iria, bob, angela
jozy: pee group
jozy: yeah
jozy: oh nico......
jozy: the way to Henry's
jozy: smashing
jozy: bob and his drawing
jozy: nico
jozy: X-man Rafa
jozy: sexy X-man, "Rafa"
jozy: irene & rafa
jozy: irene & rafa & 10 o'clock
jozy: nico & bob 1
jozy: nico & bob 2
jozy: matilda!
jozy: carlos!
jozy: rob and pizza
jozy: rob and pizza