@jozjozjoz: PIC: I don't care if it's not much of a deterrent. I want them to know that I know it's gone. #neighborhooddorama
@jozjozjoz: PIC: I made a sign for the thief. #neighborhooddorama
@jozjozjoz: PIC: Disgusting. Bird carcass washed up in front of house. Must traumatize others w/ photo. #neighborhooddorama
@jozjozjoz: PIC: Finally went grocery shopping. What a ghetto Ralph's store. Ck the apple w/ a bite in it on display. #neighborhooddorama
@jozjozjoz: PIC: Should I call OSHA? #neighborhooddorama
@jozjozjoz: PIC: @BusyBusyTM came over and was welcomed by a pair of dirty socks on our front lawn. WTF. #neighborhooddorama
@jozjozjoz: PIC: One of my 4 deflated tires. Total of 8 flat tires which had all the air let out of them. #neighborhooddorama
@jozjozjoz: PIC: You know she left the house thinking, "I look goooood." #neighborhooddorama
@jozjozjoz: #neighborhooddorama PIC: Dear A-hole neighbors, it's bad enough you steal my peaches...
@jozjozjoz: PIC: New Neighbor's Ugly Couch in parking area. #neighborhooddorama