mamarosa: Pretty girl
mamarosa: My three kids. (They really are happy children. I swear)
mamarosa: Easter Beauty
mamarosa: Easter
mamarosa: Places to go, people to slay with my cuteness
mamarosa: At Grandpa's church
mamarosa: Easter
mamarosa: What "I need a nap" looks like
mamarosa: What do they know?
mamarosa: The Easter Hat
mamarosa: In black and white
mamarosa: Save the drama for yo' mama.
mamarosa: The burning sun was too much and so, he broke down and cried, which, man, I'm lucky HE DIDN'T DIE!!
mamarosa: You're beautiful it's true
mamarosa: All dressed up...
mamarosa: Windy
mamarosa: I don't know whether to title this one something sweet like "My beautiful kids" or to keep it real and title it "The one just before I lost my shit."
mamarosa: When did she get to be a beauty?
mamarosa: The Easter Outfit