joytothehurled: spoon and so three years ago
joytothehurled: britt daniel
joytothehurled: during spoon david cross kindly offers to interpret for the hearing impaired
joytothehurled: david cross' bare blurry ass
joytothehurled: the new pornographers
joytothehurled: the new pornographers
joytothehurled: motley crue of one
joytothehurled: it might as well have been called bigassshades festival
joytothehurled: caught laughing
joytothehurled: ready to rock
joytothehurled: kayne west is down there somewhere
joytothehurled: maybe if i'd sat in the right section
joytothehurled: my "i feel old here" face numero dos
joytothehurled: my "i feel old here" face numero uno
joytothehurled: chris martin wrote "green eyes" about me and yes, that's natalie portman
joytothehurled: big ass shades switcharoo
joytothehurled: sometimes you just need to lie down in the middle of it all
joytothehurled: space needle
joytothehurled: david cross signed his david cross shirt
joytothehurled: couple in front of me that made out for 15 minutes straight during metric
joytothehurled: space needle
joytothehurled: bitter:sweet
joytothehurled: copeland
joytothehurled: essentials
joytothehurled: asssscat with upright citizens brigade
joytothehurled: mo' hawk
joytothehurled: mewithoutYou