houseofduke: "Let's go for a walk! It's a beautiful day!"
houseofduke: Sewing for repro Licca: 'Autumn Greeting' dress
houseofduke: Sewing for repro Licca: Into the Forrest dresses
JennWrenn: tippy
55randomclicks: a friend
viridian house: Unoa Lusis mod
viridian house: unoa lusis sleeping mod & faceup
Bluoxyde: Face-up shot
Dragondeemini / LeneUx8: Miniature Barbie Packaging
Dragondeemini / LeneUx8: Barbie "Vintage" dollhouse
Ariya Mari: Chiika is addictied to online shopping❤
Kaa-Annaku: Work on the hairdo_02
Kaa-Annaku: Tiny details of the wig
madeleine♥: "Flowers of Amelia"
Minitα: Science Lab
Hodaka Yamamoto: 秋の風音 -an autumn day
Hurry Up Miss Jane: Bizarre love triangle
Hurry Up Miss Jane: Kissy kissy
Sun*Ray: Margo's hair. How to make it look like? Please! )))
55randomclicks: Difficult, maybe! Impossible, never!
snowbow01: Momoko ver 04SScc
snowbow01: Welcome to the Miss Replica Licca 2009
snowbow01: My tan replica licca collection
jillybug ~: Word on the trail is...
valen.zhou: chob with his beloved
55randomclicks: On Sundays....
55randomclicks: Reflection