joysaphine: Bee part of it
joysaphine: Bramble or Field Rose?
joysaphine: Ragged Robin - Lychnis flos-cuculi
joysaphine: Ragged Robin
joysaphine: Bramble - pink
joysaphine: Bittersweet - Solanum dulcamara
joysaphine: Creeping Jenny - Lysimachia nummularia
joysaphine: Broad-leaved Willowherb - Epilobium montanum
joysaphine: Yellow Archangel - Lamiastrum galeobdolon
joysaphine: Yellow Archangel - Lamiastrum galeobdolon
joysaphine: Herb Bennett - Geum Urbanum - flower
joysaphine: Herb Bennett - Geum Urbanum - Fruit
joysaphine: I am so unsure as to what this is. Is it a woundwort? or a Bastard Balm?
joysaphine: Thyme leaved speedwell - Veronica serpyllifolia
joysaphine: Deer Watch?
joysaphine: We spotted them as they spotted us
joysaphine: 4 light fallow deer and the dark one
joysaphine: Bayetha Hala stumps and knots
joysaphine: Softly softly - greater stitchwort - stellaria holostea
joysaphine: Forestry
joysaphine: Otter Wood
joysaphine: Found in the leaves on the floor. it looked as though it had fallen from the bank at the side
joysaphine: which bird made this one?
joysaphine: Paddling in Halfway. Barefoot and crutch.
joysaphine: Fallow deer - spooked
joysaphine: soft and green and gentle as a ridgeback
joysaphine: I came home to see a Turtle Dove in my garden
joysaphine: I came home to see a Turtle Dove in my garden
joysaphine: Beautiful - Cut leaved Cranes bill
joysaphine: Tent web