joysaphine: the bird wood - stackpole
joysaphine: the bird wood - stackpole
joysaphine: The perfect seat
joysaphine: Heavy with the rain
joysaphine: Wet blue
joysaphine: Pretty in pink
joysaphine: Small and yellow
joysaphine: Ripples
joysaphine: new growth on the Ash
joysaphine: Old and wise
joysaphine: My first budding foxglove this year
joysaphine: The Man in the hat and Ziggy too
joysaphine: So many flowers to come from this
joysaphine: Stackpole. There be Otters live here
joysaphine: Looking down over the bridge
joysaphine: Playtime
joysaphine: Fun and Games with the man in the hat)
joysaphine: Every leaf has a sun tinged edging
joysaphine: Awesome colour
joysaphine: All alone)
joysaphine: I love this tree
joysaphine: Hey Ziggy
joysaphine: Angus and Gwennon are watching you
joysaphine: Horse Chestnut flower
joysaphine: There WILL be conkers
joysaphine: Wonderful big old trees
joysaphine: I'm a bit stumped here
joysaphine: They took away the climbing branches
joysaphine: Running water?
joysaphine: tumbling over