joysaphine: Wellies, crutch, rockpools
joysaphine: sea shadow
joysaphine: shadowplay
joysaphine: On thick ice
joysaphine: Wonderful wonderful snow - Llys-y-fran
joysaphine: crutch on ice
joysaphine: Me and my shadow (and crutch)
joysaphine: welly crutch drift snow preseli
joysaphine: Preseli Welly
joysaphine: one step two step crutch
joysaphine: watch your welly step here
joysaphine: Always ahead of my shadow
joysaphine: Wellies, crutch and very soggy ground
joysaphine: muddy wellies and crutches
joysaphine: the long shadow
joysaphine: Triple shadow
joysaphine: footprint footprint and crutchprint
joysaphine: My wellies, my crutch, the river and me
joysaphine: hahaha shadows
joysaphine: taking steps - struggling
joysaphine: Welly and crutch and wonderful water
joysaphine: Paddling in Halfway. Barefoot and crutch.
joysaphine: Wellies and water - so much fun
joysaphine: wellies, mud and crutch
joysaphine: Wellies and colours and autumn leaves
joysaphine: Autumn is for kicking leaves
joysaphine: wellies, crutches and seaweed (I think its 'Bladderwrack')
joysaphine: wellies and leaves
joysaphine: CHILD in me
joysaphine: Me, my wellies, my crutches and I - stood on a wonderfully LARGE tree stump. Something special about it too