joysaphine: This is where it all stops. Nothing can get past because we are in a blizzard and the traffic is parked at the side of the road and nothing is moving. I could see a lot of people getting stuck here - so we turned around and went back to play in the snow
joysaphine: Just seconds after taking this picture - a little weasel with a shrew or something in its mouth - ran straight across the floor in front of the gate.
joysaphine: oh what fun we had, it really wasnt all that bad, - playing in the snow, I didnt really want to go.................home
joysaphine: two very happy hounds
joysaphine: gated. closed due to snow?
joysaphine: snowy path to the forest
joysaphine: out for a wander in the snow
joysaphine: fenced in or fenced out. Where did that horizon go?
joysaphine: two days snowhunting - trees and drifts galore
joysaphine: two days snowhunting - and it all looks fine
joysaphine: two days snowhunting
joysaphine: two days snowhunting
joysaphine: Deep deep snow in the preselis - isnt it wonderful
joysaphine: loadsa people playing in the snow - you just cant see them all cos we are IN the snowcloud
joysaphine: Pristine Preselis - ooooohhhhhhh I am soooo excited. I just wanna play in that white stuffs
joysaphine: white sky, white horizon, white scenery, white ground - all is white and wonderful
joysaphine: two days snowhunting - then we went to the Preselis and found ........... A Blizzard.... yay!
joysaphine: 28th march09 Gwaun Valley preselis
joysaphine: A window to the other side
joysaphine: European Larch in flower
joysaphine: European Larch - larix decidua - in flower
joysaphine: Christian Retreat in the Gwaun Valley
joysaphine: Boy meets girl
joysaphine: falling water
joysaphine: Greater Stitchwort - Stellaria holostea
joysaphine: relax and rest awhile
joysaphine: Uphill all the way
joysaphine: The waiting game
joysaphine: The View
joysaphine: The man in the hat - peaceful thoughts