joysaphine: fluffy grass
joysaphine: frozen in time
joysaphine: cold and hairy?
joysaphine: crunchy underfoot
joysaphine: crystal unclear
joysaphine: scruffy - doing well
joysaphine: no flowers yet - but if you walk through this wonderful growth, you smell garlic, wild, and fresh and clean
joysaphine: black grass
joysaphine: Frozen blades in March
joysaphine: Scruffy - we dont forget you
joysaphine: Bamboo seeding Scruffy
joysaphine: please take the time to view this in large.
joysaphine: kpax - where are you?
joysaphine: drip drop
joysaphine: hanging on in there
joysaphine: grasses
joysaphine: flowering grass
joysaphine: HBW grass
joysaphine: HBW grassy arrows
joysaphine: grass can be beautiful too
joysaphine: Horsetail
joysaphine: the eary morning sun came over the hill and the frost on the grasses thawed
joysaphine: spider in the beam
joysaphine: early morning webs in Hafren as the sun comes up
joysaphine: Wonderful windy day
joysaphine: NewYears day - Bracken cold
joysaphine: tufts in the snow - preselis
joysaphine: drifting - preselis
joysaphine: Greenly reedy
joysaphine: This will be a carpet of bluebells soon