joysaphine: in reflection
joysaphine: looking through
joysaphine: bridged
joysaphine: funny colour going under
joysaphine: the standard pic
joysaphine: the right way? or not?
joysaphine: on a breath-less evening
joysaphine: reflections are so clear
joysaphine: water is so still
joysaphine: dead tree castle
joysaphine: the mill the mill
joysaphine: striking sunset
joysaphine: soft and hazy
joysaphine: echoed sunset
joysaphine: reflections
joysaphine: ooze
joysaphine: saplet droplet
joysaphine: streamside angus
joysaphine: he sat there
joysaphine: reflective pools
joysaphine: bridged shadows
joysaphine: lost from sight
joysaphine: time for reflection
joysaphine: hazy morning road
joysaphine: one beam
joysaphine: sun on the sea
joysaphine: sun on the water
joysaphine: glisten, shimmer, shine
joysaphine: cold day
joysaphine: The three S's