joysaphine: orange
joysaphine: up to the tulip petal
joysaphine: inside the marigold
joysaphine: opening orange
joysaphine: montbretia and the bucket
joysaphine: flame walls
joysaphine: paper flowers
joysaphine: light shadow
joysaphine: orange folds
joysaphine: orange
joysaphine: honeysuckle
joysaphine: close up
joysaphine: calendula
joysaphine: red head
joysaphine: wet wallflowers
joysaphine: abies in flower
joysaphine: bedraggled
joysaphine: vibrant orange
joysaphine: near to me
joysaphine: soft and gentle
joysaphine: orange blossom fall
joysaphine: petaledge
joysaphine: californian poppy
joysaphine: little lellow
joysaphine: roses to be seen
joysaphine: orange
joysaphine: the flowers on this tree were so many - and every time there was a breeze - there was also a huge cloud of pollen floating away on the breeze.
joysaphine: tree flowers
joysaphine: Pollen
joysaphine: in yer face