joyosity: Rittenhouse Square stitched
joyosity: Tea at the Rittenhouse Hotel
joyosity: Outside the National Constitution Center
joyosity: Inside Constitution Hall stitched
joyosity: Signer's Hall stitch
joyosity: $10
joyosity: The Constitution
joyosity: The Signer
joyosity: Independence Hall
joyosity: Liberty Bell with Independence Hall
joyosity: Libery Bell
joyosity: Second Bank of the United States
joyosity: Jim's Steaks Record Holder
joyosity: Jim's Steaks
joyosity: Jim's Steaks
joyosity: Jim's Steaks
joyosity: The Net!
joyosity: IMG00354
joyosity: IMG00363
joyosity: IMG00362
joyosity: IMG00364
joyosity: A tree grows in the sewers
joyosity: IMG00366
joyosity: IMG00367
joyosity: Avenue of the Arts looking north
joyosity: The Great Stair Hall in the Philadelphia Museum of Art stitched
joyosity: IMG00373
joyosity: IMG00374
joyosity: IMG00375
joyosity: IMG00391