yuzuume: pink elephants on parade!
yuzuume: Pink elephants on parade!
yuzuume: Metra Electric and downtown
yuzuume: Metra Electric and downtown
yuzuume: Field Museum Beers!
yuzuume: Field Museum
yuzuume: Stegasaurus
yuzuume: Selfie Stick!
yuzuume: Snack time!
yuzuume: Ethan getting his nerd on.
yuzuume: Hanging with the Hadrosaur
yuzuume: The Irish Deer
yuzuume: Mammoth
yuzuume: Sue!
yuzuume: Sue!
yuzuume: Sue!
yuzuume: Doing the #Chicago tourist thing this weekend with @ethancgrove. #fieldmuseum #sue #dinosaur
yuzuume: Sue!
yuzuume: Sue!
yuzuume: Sue!
yuzuume: Field Museum ceiling.1/3 of #socc_challenge. Nominated by @ms_beverley to post one untouched, filter-free photo for three days, and nominate three others. I'm nominating @ethancgrove, @maggiejjewelry and @leidenbells. #latergram
yuzuume: Field Museum Ceiling
yuzuume: City Selfie
yuzuume: DSC_0032
yuzuume: DSC_0036
yuzuume: DSC_0039
yuzuume: Hanging with Ethan and the Brachiosaurus.
yuzuume: Hanging with Ethan and the Brachiosaurus.
yuzuume: Hanging with Ethan and the Brachiosaurus.
yuzuume: Hanging with Ethan and the Brachiosaurus.