yuzuume: It's my patriotic duty to nap the day away. #russetmcjoynt
yuzuume: Nothin' says American like beer in a grenade-shaped can. #revolution
yuzuume: Baseball, beers, and brats. #america #fourthofjuly #whitesox
yuzuume: Why so I even bother making the bed in the morning? #russetmcjoynt
yuzuume: Wrigley
yuzuume: Old timey July fourth road trip
yuzuume: Nothing says July fourth like beers, brats, baseball and the Chicago skyline.
yuzuume: Smap's dressing room is an electrical closet in the Chinatown L station. Oh how the mighty have fallen.
yuzuume: Peace loeb & bacon
yuzuume: Are we there yet???
yuzuume: Roadtrippin' with Sox monkey