joykafka: profile (hatching or ambushing?)
joykafka: single friend of a couple
joykafka: At home
joykafka: Slender one
joykafka: I am handsome today.
joykafka: たこ焼き ~~~ Grilled Octopus Sticks...
joykafka: At Work and At Rest
joykafka: Promenade
joykafka: nobody's watching~ steal a stretch ~
joykafka: Why I always long for the other hidden side...
joykafka: underneath the beautiful reflection, hungry muds awaiting
joykafka: trespassing local dwellers' screen
joykafka: Guardian
joykafka: heat striking
joykafka: tyre boating
joykafka: colourful breath
joykafka: One day...