Power Princess:
Kid's table
Power Princess:
Kid's table with me included
Power Princess:
Kitty with Katie, Ming and Dear
Power Princess:
Fiona, Alvin and Kent
Power Princess:
Lawrence and Kitty
Power Princess:
Kitty, Shirley and Eliza
Power Princess:
Men in action...
Power Princess:
Men posed
Power Princess:
Power Princess:
10 year service award
Power Princess:
The bouncy baby!
Power Princess:
The happy family
Power Princess:
Banquet babies
Power Princess:
Power Princess:
Power Princess:
Lawrence with Jerry and Sandra
Power Princess:
Persistent Crab eaters
Power Princess:
Leung Family
Power Princess:
Me me me me me
Power Princess:
Power Princess:
Power Princess:
Mr. Wong
Power Princess:
Grand prize winner!
Power Princess:
Initial reaction
Power Princess:
Mr. Tung Pui Sun with Calvin and Colleen
Power Princess:
Winner's Table
Power Princess:
It takes two...
Power Princess:
Do we like rice?
Power Princess:
Grandma Tam with baby
Power Princess:
the Fat boys!