Power Princess: A team effort...
Power Princess: Adult's table
Power Princess: Kitty and Lawrence2
Power Princess: Kid's table
Power Princess: Serving up dessert
Power Princess: Group shot 2
Power Princess: Lau family 2
Power Princess: Lau family1
Power Princess: Kitty and Lawrence3
Power Princess: Group shot4
Power Princess: Group shot 3
Power Princess: Group shot 1
Power Princess: After dinner pose2
Power Princess: After dinner pose1
Power Princess: The fork
Power Princess: Patrick and Rosanna
Power Princess: Smoke pit
Power Princess: Kitty and Lawrence
Power Princess: Colleen and Calvin
Power Princess: Patrick performs
Power Princess: It's not New Years yet
Power Princess: Childhood buddies2
Power Princess: Childhood buddies
Power Princess: Wii intensity
Power Princess: Wii boxing 1
Power Princess: Wii boxing 2
Power Princess: Wii boxing 3
Power Princess: Game face
Power Princess: Joming's new hat