Joy Leong-Danen: Cypress Hills - Farmhouse with coils of rusty old barbed-wire fencing
Joy Leong-Danen: Birding - Cypress Hills on the Eagle Butte Road
Joy Leong-Danen: Cypress Hills - wildflowers everywhere!
Joy Leong-Danen: Mountain Bluebird (female)
Joy Leong-Danen: Tree Swallow (female) looking into the lens
Joy Leong-Danen: Tree Swallow (female)
Joy Leong-Danen: Tree Swallow (male) - too lovely not to post!
Joy Leong-Danen: Tree Swallow (male) - a small slender songbird
Joy Leong-Danen: Eastern Kingbird
Joy Leong-Danen: Northern Shoveler - ducklings
Joy Leong-Danen: Northern Shoveler (male)
Joy Leong-Danen: Willet - quizzical
Joy Leong-Danen: Franklin's Gull
Joy Leong-Danen: Three-Flowered Avens. Old Man's Whiskers. Prairie Smoke
Joy Leong-Danen: Blue-winged Teal (male and female)