Joyce Latham: Frank Lloyd Wright influence?? I think so. Baird Sampson Neuert Architects
Joyce Latham: Inside the French River Visitor Centre (Alban Ont). Baird Sampson Architects
Joyce Latham: Inside Mariner's Rest B&B
Joyce Latham: Funny Story
Joyce Latham: My Push
Joyce Latham: Rib Fest - NOt my Push
Joyce Latham: Inner Child
Joyce Latham: Sunday night, on monday theme (except for me)
Joyce Latham: runner up for " We'er Here " Stupid Tuesday
Joyce Latham: Stupid Tuesday
Joyce Latham: Face down tuesday.
Joyce Latham: the next time.
Joyce Latham: luggage.....humm....i just like the map.
Joyce Latham: luggage, I like the money in this one.
Joyce Latham: another effort at luggage.
Joyce Latham: possible luggage.
Joyce Latham: runner up - luggage
Joyce Latham: luggage
Joyce Latham: Oh that annoying fan again (for We'er Here...assignment
Joyce Latham: I tired and I tried....
Joyce Latham: Fashion
Joyce Latham: Fashion - My take on Meret Oppenheim's shoes.
Joyce Latham: The everyday Spartan
Joyce Latham: The everyday Spartan
Joyce Latham: rainy day for house tour
Joyce Latham: Stereotypes
Joyce Latham: Mysteries of Harris Burdick Image 1 Archie SMith, Boy Wonder
Joyce Latham: Mysteries of Harris Burdick Image 1 Archie Smith, Boy Wonder
Joyce Latham: runner up for push