Joyce Latham: Summer Vacation 3
Joyce Latham: head on a platter 38/365
Joyce Latham: disaster strikes!
Joyce Latham: Saturday's silohette
Joyce Latham: Sunday Night Dinners with Kate and Dave Free Sunday 43/365 Sept 12 2010
Joyce Latham: Jimi /Theme electronics 45/365
Joyce Latham: Rock and Roller's Last Supper (art project Jimi as Jesus, myself as Judas tehehe). Could take another one like this for todays entry, but Ill try to think of something different.
Joyce Latham: "It needs some juice" Electronic theme 46/365 Septemeber 15 2010
Joyce Latham: wawa facedown
Joyce Latham: How bad is this??? I'll tell ya how bad it is...see discription
Joyce Latham: facedown in the bed shop
Joyce Latham: Stranger 1 Denise
Joyce Latham: Digital frame/ electronic theme 47/365
Joyce Latham: Ipod/ electronic theme 48/365
Joyce Latham: Saturday electronics
Joyce Latham: Saturdays Electronic theme 49/ 365
Joyce Latham: nice day for carving
Joyce Latham: free sunday
Joyce Latham: facedown
Joyce Latham: Sunday night theme dinner/ Hat Party
Joyce Latham: Sunday night theme dinner/ Hat Party
Joyce Latham: Sunday night theme dinner/ Hat Party
Joyce Latham: Katie pulled Christmas as our next theme
Joyce Latham: two JOes. Joe and JOey.
Joyce Latham: hands theme 50/365
Joyce Latham: Stranger #3 Viviane
Joyce Latham: just for the record
Joyce Latham: Benny my next door Neighbour
Joyce Latham: theme Hands 51/365
Joyce Latham: My Day. Theme Hands 52/365