Joyce Latham:
365 B&W with Margie C+ assignment one
Joyce Latham:
For We're Here - perfect gift
Joyce Latham:
365 B&W with Margie - Putting Miss Judy in line
Joyce Latham:
365 B&W with Margie and We're Here: pencil vs camera
Joyce Latham:
365 B&W with Margie : We're Here : fancy twirl
Joyce Latham:
Day one B& With Margie
Joyce Latham:
# Bring Back our Girls
Joyce Latham:
b&w with Margie
Joyce Latham:
B&w with Margie
Joyce Latham:
b&w with Margie, Happy Fathers Day
Joyce Latham:
b&w with Margie
Joyce Latham:
Margie picks up cushions
Joyce Latham:
for We'reHere:sofas divani, canapes (and B&W with Margie)