Joyce Latham: Thursday's efort on homework.
Joyce Latham: light bokeh mission # 16
Joyce Latham: light bokeh mssion
Joyce Latham: light bokeh mission 13
Joyce Latham: Looking for a lead.. homework assignment..photojournalisum...know of anything exciting happening in town..please let me know! Thanks Joyce
Joyce Latham: Ms Wandabee, Starless, didn't get the gig.
Joyce Latham: The wig stops here
Joyce Latham: For We're Here/ an idea of home. a party for two
Joyce Latham: Margie's umbrella dance
Joyce Latham: Balloons/ Windy night
Joyce Latham: Ms Starless.... pounding the pavement.
Joyce Latham: Jeanna Bella Deniseio decieded to find some of her friends
Joyce Latham: Balloons
Joyce Latham: 20120730-untitled-150
Joyce Latham: Balloons
Joyce Latham: My flicker journey through the 365 different theme every week group. A long story thanking my wonderful contacts. See the People in this Photo. Too long to read I know..just look for your name : ) You've been GREAT!!(missing in photo Studio d'Xavier etc.
Joyce Latham: More my style and less Luc's style
Joyce Latham: crappy night shot with broken nifty fifty.(night attempt for We're Here-streets we walk
Joyce Latham: light bokeh mission # 15
Joyce Latham: light bokeh mission # 15
Joyce Latham: inspired by indvik12
Joyce Latham: (movie Bill Cunningham fashion street photographer New York) mission 4 . dusk ( bad bokeh )straight out of camera
Joyce Latham: bokeh mission
Joyce Latham: Light bokeh mission 2. helping me out
Joyce Latham: Light bokeh Mission one.One focused, one not. June 9 2011 10:30 pm
Joyce Latham: June 9 2011 assignment one June 9 2011
Joyce Latham: Light bokeh mission 2 "ok, thats enough" helping me out.
Joyce Latham: assignment 4. dusk (Movie Bill Cunningham street fashion documentary.)
Joyce Latham: My First Night Portrait with nifty fifty