Joyce Latham:
For We're Here/ picture yourself in bed.
Joyce Latham:
From where I stand 168/ oct 1 halloween month
Joyce Latham:
I liked this one..too.
Joyce Latham:
The Haunting and the Haunted 33 Days of Halloween Group day 1
Joyce Latham:
365 self portrait 237You...ya you.......I want in the Haunting and the Haunted 33 Days of Halloween..
Joyce Latham:
From where I stand 169 / changed hair appointment/ The Haunting and the Haunted day 2/
Joyce Latham:
From where I stand 170/ photography meeting tonight
Joyce Latham:
the Haunting and the Haunted 33 Halloween days.3
Joyce Latham:
Mom and Pops Bikers.
Joyce Latham:
Father's bike.
Joyce Latham:
Class of 1937.
Joyce Latham:
My father and brother Jim.
Joyce Latham:
1915 - Eve Alice Glad -- amost one hundred years ago.
Joyce Latham:
The only dog I saw today.
Joyce Latham:
We're Here/ Red dog and 365 self portrait 239
Joyce Latham:
Fom where I stand 171 & 33 days of Halloween4
Joyce Latham:
For We're Here / me and my camera 365 self portrait 240
Joyce Latham:
Fancy Twirling Fridays/1/ We're Here also
Joyce Latham:
From where I stand 172 / the dancer returns
Joyce Latham:
365 self portrait 241/ 33 days of Halloween5
Joyce Latham:
From where I stand 173 / gathered around the family
Joyce Latham:
From where I stand 174/ saying good bye
Joyce Latham:
Flickr photographer Margie
Joyce Latham:
Kate and Dave's Baby Shower
Joyce Latham:
From where I stand 175 / Thanksgiving long weekend
Joyce Latham:
33 days of halloween 6.. self portrait 365 /244 Thanksgiving Day Dinner
Joyce Latham:
33 days of Halloween 8 / self portrait 245 and We're here T.
Joyce Latham:
From where I stand 177/ run around day
Joyce Latham:
365 self portriat 246/ We're Here / spooky/ 33days of Halloween
Joyce Latham:
From where I stand 178/ making cookies/ we're here- Guerrilla Graphics