Joyce Latham: different themes 365 "simple things" life gives us every day. Thank-you photographs
Joyce Latham: Emilio Portal - art exhibit at G.N.O (galerie du nouvel-ontario) My theme : "simple things"
Joyce Latham: Stranger Karl 61 for 100 strangers
Joyce Latham: more fun at the GNO "Slag" Emilio Portal's exhibit
Joyce Latham: Follow Friday - featuring harpazo_hope. One of my bestest flickr buddies. She photographs landscapes and me she is someone to check out, along with my other favorites too!
Joyce Latham: different themes 365 "simple pleasures" crackers and peanut butter snack
Joyce Latham: different themes 365 "simple things"..sunlight
Joyce Latham: are they coming or not??
Joyce Latham: Sneak peek Sunday Theme Dinner "Army"
Joyce Latham: different themes 365 "free Sunday"
Joyce Latham: theme numbers
Joyce Latham: made a mistake...I thought it was numbers ..but its letters..good grief
Joyce Latham: a repeat (theme numbers) Its not numbers!! its letters!!
Joyce Latham: mystery belt
Joyce Latham: letter C
Joyce Latham: letter M (W)
Joyce Latham: Different themes 365 "letters" Jack's Gate
Joyce Latham: another photograph of a photograph - family album
Joyce Latham: June 9 2011 assignment one June 9 2011
Joyce Latham: Light bokeh Mission one.One focused, one not. June 9 2011 10:30 pm
Joyce Latham: Follow Friday. feathering 10 cent designer..again. She got a lot of my favorites last week as she went for a camping trip, solo in Sask. Check out my other favorites too!
Joyce Latham: Light bokeh mission 2. helping me out
Joyce Latham: Light bokeh mission 2 "ok, thats enough" helping me out.
Joyce Latham: light bokeh mission 3
Joyce Latham: 365 theme "letters".
Joyce Latham: tried to do a 10cent designer interior shot - didn't quite work
Joyce Latham: different theme 365 "lettes"
Joyce Latham: assignment 4. dusk (Movie Bill Cunningham street fashion documentary.)
Joyce Latham: (movie Bill Cunningham fashion street photographer New York) mission 4 . dusk ( bad bokeh )straight out of camera
Joyce Latham: No kids, no theme dinner.....trying this. Sweet Potatoe (chef Art Smith - Oprah's)