Joyce Latham: From where I stand
Joyce Latham: For We're Here and 365/113 Self Portrait - dollar store day
Joyce Latham: From where I stand37 - I think there's a reason I love this dog
Joyce Latham: for We're Here.. Cliche Saturday
Joyce Latham: self portrait 365/ 114 . pick up at airport
Joyce Latham: from where I stand/ 38 - the dig out
Joyce Latham: 365 self portrait / 115 -- out with the old, back in with the old.
Joyce Latham: possilbe (portal) sihouette
Joyce Latham: Tonights efforts in night photography .. cloud hunting.
Joyce Latham: 20120603-untitled-13-3
Joyce Latham: From where I stand (sit) - baby you can drive my car.
Joyce Latham: Self portrait 116 - Volkswagen is in the lead
Joyce Latham: for We're Here Mocking Mondays (MJ Photoz)
Joyce Latham: from where I stand 40- in the back yard
Joyce Latham: crazy fox
Joyce Latham: face down Tuesday
Joyce Latham: tea in Killarney for the Jubilee of the Queen - tea party
Joyce Latham: For We're Here... tea party (Diamond Jubilee of the Queen)
Joyce Latham: 365 self portrait 117.......we went to Killarney
Joyce Latham: Beaver damn
Joyce Latham: From where I stand 41- much to do
Joyce Latham: Self portrait 365./ 118.......the gardener.
Joyce Latham: For We're Here - Rober Frost - A Girl's Garden
Joyce Latham: Photography meeting Sudbudy Shutterbugs
Joyce Latham: Where I stand...........annoyed.
Joyce Latham: How its done
Joyce Latham: Self portrait- hard labour 119
Joyce Latham: moveing the blocks.
Joyce Latham: For We're here..let us eat cake
Joyce Latham: Where I stand 42 - visiting with my friend Heather