journeyswithasimplegirl: Slowly we unfurl. As lotus flowers. ~radiohead
journeyswithasimplegirl: “Please think about this as you go on. Breathe on the world. Hold out your hands to it. When morning and evenings roll along, watch how they open and close, how they invite you to the long party that your life is.” ~ William Stafford
journeyswithasimplegirl: another one off the summer wish list:
journeyswithasimplegirl: in the forest...
journeyswithasimplegirl: coco's herbal tea
journeyswithasimplegirl: in honor of my gram.
journeyswithasimplegirl: "we are but a moment's sunlight, fading in the grass" ~ the youngbloods.
journeyswithasimplegirl: “Treasures: The most important thing you leave behind is the stuff that turns into treasures when children find it.” ~ Brian Andreas
journeyswithasimplegirl: dear summer ~film
journeyswithasimplegirl: I say your name to the wind and my longing gets wings.~ leslie srajek
journeyswithasimplegirl: "I want to be improbable and beautiful and afraid of nothing as though I had wings.” ~ Mary Oliver
journeyswithasimplegirl: “The world will give you that once in awhile, a brief timeout; the boxing bell rings and you go to your corner, where somebody dabs mercy on your beat-up life.” ~ Sue Monk Kidd.
journeyswithasimplegirl: HFF! ~ I'm so glad I stepped out of the house this late afternoon...
journeyswithasimplegirl: "...and the bird of peace is flying over, she's flying over and coming in for a landing." ~ patty griffin
journeyswithasimplegirl: “I pray to the birds because they remind me of what I love rather than what I fear. And at the end of my prayers, they teach me how to listen.” ~ Terry Tempest Williams
journeyswithasimplegirl: "Spirit, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. ~Reinhold Niebuhr
journeyswithasimplegirl: Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart.One day I might want, more than all the world, your return. ~ Mary Jean Iron
journeyswithasimplegirl: h is for home.
journeyswithasimplegirl: h is for: hand. hi. (this photo makes me happy) ~ peace, y'all.
journeyswithasimplegirl: "Wish for nothing larger than your own small heart." ~ Alice Walker
journeyswithasimplegirl: with gratitude.
journeyswithasimplegirl: "love is bigger than any grim, bleak shit anyone can throw at us.” ~ Anne Lamott