John's Life: April 10th snow storm
John's Life: Tunnel
John's Life: 20080410-102730
John's Life: 20080410-081815
John's Life: 20080410-081729
John's Life: 20080410-102828
John's Life: 20080410-103040
John's Life: 20080410-090805
John's Life: Jan-28 365-24 Minus 35
John's Life: Jan-29 365-25 Minus 33
John's Life: Jan-30 365-26 Touque
John's Life: Welcome to Calgary
John's Life: Strange week
John's Life: And the long night starts..
John's Life: 6 foot snow drifts along the main road, ... yeah right !!!
John's Life: Another first for me ...
John's Life: "Look at Bob!!! What a loser! ..Crap .." says second driver..
John's Life: Looks like an insurance claim ???
John's Life: Close, but no touching .......... sound's like my marriage ...... I digress ....
John's Life: And you thought digging out your Civic was tough ...
John's Life: Hoar Frost in Calgary
John's Life: Weeping Hoary Willow