JoMcCarthy_NZ: "Sheep in Dog's Clothing"
JoMcCarthy_NZ: "Eden Icons"
JoMcCarthy_NZ: "Dive, Dig, Mouthful of Sand"
JoMcCarthy_NZ: "Papamoa Sunrise"
JoMcCarthy_NZ: "Simple But Effective"
JoMcCarthy_NZ: "Someone's Home"
JoMcCarthy_NZ: "Royal Spoonbill Springs"
JoMcCarthy_NZ: "Ports of Auckland worker bees"
JoMcCarthy_NZ: "Art In The Dark"
JoMcCarthy_NZ: "Light Play at Coldplay"
JoMcCarthy_NZ: "Takapuna Beach Bikie"
JoMcCarthy_NZ: "Grannys Bonnets"
JoMcCarthy_NZ: "Sorry guys, I slept through the alarm."
JoMcCarthy_NZ: (75/365) "The Pukeko Wars"
JoMcCarthy_NZ: "Red Panda Prowling"
JoMcCarthy_NZ: "Sculpture on The Shore"
JoMcCarthy_NZ: "Ipipiri Drifting"
JoMcCarthy_NZ: "All present and accounted for."
JoMcCarthy_NZ: "Feed me!!"
JoMcCarthy_NZ: "The Sparrow - fascinating, yet frustrating"
JoMcCarthy_NZ: "Climbing Above The Labyrinth"
JoMcCarthy_NZ: "Rolling Stones don't, but Standing Statues do."
JoMcCarthy_NZ: "School yard bullying at Gannet High"
JoMcCarthy_NZ: "Final score: Agony - 3, Relief - 1"
JoMcCarthy_NZ: "Baboon Child Minding Services"
JoMcCarthy_NZ: "How did that happen??"
JoMcCarthy_NZ: "Diving for an Ace's scalp"
JoMcCarthy_NZ: "Second for Sam"
JoMcCarthy_NZ: "Bee Still"
JoMcCarthy_NZ: "C'mon, bring 'em up!"