Josim: Ich bin zurück...
Josim: Ein Bild zur Einstimmung...
Josim: Das Fototeam bei der Arbeit :-)
Josim: Sandsturm
Josim: Und? Was gefunden?
Josim: Nicht unbedingt das schönste Bild...
Josim: Reif
Josim: Reif II
Josim: Unser Domizil....
Josim: Friday Flower Power ?
Josim: meadow in the tideland...
Josim: The lighthouse family...
Josim: tideland
Josim: lighthouse "Westerhever"
Josim: The old love makes a winter break...
Josim: I wish you a nice weekend...:-))
Josim: Abendstimmung am Watt - evening on the watt
Josim: Wanderer im Nebel
Josim: Wieder Nebel...
Josim: A nice weekend ...and greetings from BT :-)
Josim: ...