josies photos: Growing in a crack
josies photos: Apple blossom
josies photos: Song Thrush taking off
josies photos: Song Thrush
josies photos: Starling
josies photos: Grey Squirrel grooming
josies photos: New green-flowered plant
josies photos: Holly Blue Butterfly
josies photos: Carrying a heavy load
josies photos: Pollen collecting
josies photos: Green Shield Bug on Leopard's Bane
josies photos: Orange Tip Butterfly on Aubretia
josies photos: Song Thrush
josies photos: The intellegence of Rooks 1
josies photos: The intellegence of rooks 2
josies photos: The intellegence of rooks 3
josies photos: The intellegence of rooks 4
josies photos: The intellgence of rooks 5
josies photos: Tulips and Leopard's Bane 2
josies photos: Moorhen in my garden
josies photos: ITulips and Leopard's Bane
josies photos: Robin in the Apple Tree
josies photos: Pheasant feathers close up
josies photos: Apple Blossom
josies photos: collecting food for the family
josies photos: Sharing a feeder
josies photos: Pheasant Activity 18 Apr 2020