Josiah Townsend: giraffe side view
Josiah Townsend: giraffe close-up
Josiah Townsend: giraffe profile
Josiah Townsend: early morning giraffe
Josiah Townsend: Nyala buck early morning road crossing
Josiah Townsend: Nyala buck early morning
Josiah Townsend: UMkhuze Game Reserve
Josiah Townsend: uMkhuze entrance warning sign
Josiah Townsend: group of young impala
Josiah Townsend: uMkhuze zebra and wildebeest view
Josiah Townsend: zebra and wildebeest
Josiah Townsend: Impala buck
Josiah Townsend: impala
Josiah Townsend: Ndumo Pan
Josiah Townsend: Hippos in Ndumo Pan
Josiah Townsend: Pelicans over Ndumo Pan
Josiah Townsend: Ndumo Pan reflections
Josiah Townsend: nice sign juxtaposition
Josiah Townsend: Ndumo Pan campground warning sign
Josiah Townsend: yellow-billed stork over Ndumo Pan
Josiah Townsend: hippo feeding in Ndumo Pan
Josiah Townsend: Suni antelope
Josiah Townsend: lone bull elephant
Josiah Townsend: Nyala mom and baby
Josiah Townsend: baby nyala
Josiah Townsend: Southern yellow-billed hornbill in Acacia
Josiah Townsend: Southern yellow-billed hornbill takes flight
Josiah Townsend: young impala
Josiah Townsend: young impala buck
Josiah Townsend: young female impala