Josiah Townsend:
Southern ground hornbill
Josiah Townsend:
Josiah Townsend:
Josiah Townsend:
Josiah Townsend:
African fish eagle in flight
Josiah Townsend:
crested eagle
Josiah Townsend:
saddle-billed stork and friends
Josiah Townsend:
Josiah Townsend:
goliath heron, Lake St Lucia
Josiah Townsend:
African fish eagle with fish
Josiah Townsend:
goliath heron, Lake St Lucia
Josiah Townsend:
African fish eagle
Josiah Townsend:
African fish eagle in flight at Lake Lyndhurst
Josiah Townsend:
African fish eagle at Lake Lyndhurst
Josiah Townsend:
wattled cranes at Umgeni Vlei
Josiah Townsend:
Josiah Townsend:
yellow-billed stork over Ndumo Pan
Josiah Townsend:
Pelicans over Ndumo Pan
Josiah Townsend:
kwaMalibala Pan