Josiah Townsend: warthog
Josiah Townsend: African fish eagle in flight
Josiah Townsend: warthog family
Josiah Townsend: vervet monkey in a tree
Josiah Townsend: vervet on the move
Josiah Townsend: Setaro's dwarf chameleon
Josiah Townsend: marsh mongoose
Josiah Townsend: the Narrows, Lake St Lucia
Josiah Townsend: Eastern Shores vista
Josiah Townsend: crested eagle
Josiah Townsend: white rhino close-up
Josiah Townsend: waterbuck
Josiah Townsend: female waterbuck
Josiah Townsend: white rhino crossing the road
Josiah Townsend: white rhino traffic
Josiah Townsend: what about the hippo warning sign?
Josiah Townsend: hippos of Lake St Lucia
Josiah Townsend: Nile crocodiles, Lake St Lucia
Josiah Townsend: img_5421_w1400_h933
Josiah Townsend: hippos of Lake St Lucia
Josiah Townsend: saddle-billed stork and friends
Josiah Townsend: three kudu bucks
Josiah Townsend: yound kudu buck
Josiah Townsend: three kudu bucks going three directions
Josiah Townsend: female kudu with oxpecker
Josiah Townsend: hippos in Catalina Bay
Josiah Townsend: hippo sunset
Josiah Townsend: hippo sunset
Josiah Townsend: hippo sunset
Josiah Townsend: road into the dune forest