joshua.winata: DSC_3933
joshua.winata: Easy in Brooklyn.
joshua.winata: Williamsburg graffiti.
joshua.winata: Holding hands with the graffiti.
joshua.winata: Fried anchovies.
joshua.winata: Chorizo sandwich and peppers.
joshua.winata: Blue Bottle Coffee.
joshua.winata: My accidental Chinese hipster dad.
joshua.winata: On the Williamsburg waterfront.
joshua.winata: The honey-making taste test table.
joshua.winata: A local farm in Battery Park.
joshua.winata: Would you believe this is in the middle of downtown Manhattan?
joshua.winata: Eating the eggplants.
joshua.winata: Blue morning glories.
joshua.winata: A stroll through the farm.
joshua.winata: Fiery flowers.
joshua.winata: Live music at the harvest festival.
joshua.winata: Cheap shoes.
joshua.winata: Jonah winning the potato sack race.
joshua.winata: Pulling ahead in the potato sack race.
joshua.winata: Playing a giant guitar.
joshua.winata: My dad wanted a picture with the NYPD cop cars.
joshua.winata: My goofy dad.
joshua.winata: Chilling in Battery Park.
joshua.winata: Lying underneath the New Jersey skyline.
joshua.winata: Looking out toward Ellis Island.
joshua.winata: At the Irish Hunger Memorial.
joshua.winata: Entrance to the Irish Hunger Memorial.
joshua.winata: View of the Hudson.
joshua.winata: Looking out by the ferry terminal.